Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Don't be cruel to a heart that's true

This graphic novel grew out of my frustration dealing with parents who wouldn't get help, my decrepit father and my mom in the early stages of dementia.  In one of the first drawings, my negative feelings are clear.

She didn't want to stay put for her pacemaker operation.
Did I expect her to acknowledge her growing confusion for my convenience?
My heart and my drawings softened as I learned more about caring for her.


  1. It's so hard. I remember being really hurt when my mother forgot my birthday. In time, I realized how ashamed she was. Ugh. Water under the bridge. You were a great daughter to them both, Chris.

  2. And you were great support for me all through it!

  3. I look back on times I was trying to help my mother understand her situation better -- as I then saw it. I hope she didn't find it too humiliating. I think she saw that it was I who didn't understand.
