Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Looking at first post, thinking:
Redraw drawings to be more easily read.
When redrawing, keep the life of the original sketch.
And still make a good drawing, but clearer.
(Why am I putting an unflattering picture of my hometown up first thing?
I love my scrappy town. it's not fair to a "we try harder" kind of place.
On a good day it's all I could want.
Like today, gray, drizzly, "Sketches of Spain" on the radio,
I'm in my studio drawing).
 Whoops, now it looks like a farm.  I'll finish it tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This is where other parts of it take place.

testing testing

Life, still is my graphic novel.  This is where some of it takes place.  It's a map of a seaside town.  The house where it's set is the one on the far left with the garden ad wooded lot.