Saturday, April 16, 2022

Is there 

still life in

"Life Still"

©Chris Mesarch 2022
Yes, here's part III.  Yes, it's been a while. . . . . . . .

My Medical Adventure, Part III

(parts I and II remain in their
original posted dates.)

©Chris Mesarch 2022

She took me down to her work station in a vast empty garage.  Others were working there, too.

©Chris Mesarch 2022

Some of her fellow students came to help along with my old friends, the AI.

©Chris Mesarch 2022

Only the little robot seemed to know what to do.  He kindly rubbed my legs again.  My poor caretaker became frustrated.

However, I was called away. 

©Chris Mesarch 2022

 I found myself on my boss's screened-in porch in Jamaica Plain.  I was supposed to be working.  I tried to communicate my anxiety about my current situation.

©Chris Mesarch 2022

My coworkers were inside, in a vast kitchen, preparing food for the event that evening.  My boss's mom was there.  She offered us refreshments.  But. . .

©Chris Mesarch 2022

I had to find my car.  Where had I left it in all the excitement?  I walked and walked until I found it,  it was five miles away, oddly enough, right around the corner from my hospital.

My hospital room had been taken over by a family of contortionists.

©Chris Mesarch 2022

 They were holding a wake for one of their relatives.  They all assumed special positions in tribute.  The son was hanging in the closet.

The patriarch was curled up in a chair.

© Chris Mesarch 2022

The matriarch was contemplating what pose to take

©Chris Mesarch 2022

©Chris Mesarch 2022

She finally decided, took off her shirt,

©Chris Mesarch 2022

 and then stretched herself across the foot of my bed.

©Chris Mesarch 2022

Friends and colleagues were lined up outside my room waiting to pay their respects.

. . . . . . 

©Chris Mesarch 2022

Perhaps there will be Part IV, maybe Part V, or maybe I'll go on to something new. There were 10 days of hallucinations. It's hard to say when at this point.  Thank you for reading.